“Participate in the change that you wish to see in the world.”


Company Description

Our Sustainable Future (OSF) is a community consultant and sustainable development company. Our objective is to engage your community with open ears and an open mind. We strive to learn what your community needs and aspirations are, and work with you to create sustainable projects to address your community’s concerns. Once a clear vision is established, we will work with other companies, non-profits, and the local government to bring the community’s vision to fruition.


Our Sustainable Future Grounding Principles - Built By Traditional Indigenous Teachings.

To participate in the change that you want to see in your world through mindful collaboration and passionate application of our grounding principles.


“Creative adaptability is the key to successful conservation.”

Mel Carnicle  |  Founder


4 Simple Steps to BETTER | SMARTER

Step 1: Community Engagement

Step 2: Brainstorm sustainable projects 

Step 3: Community approval of the projects (revisit steps 1 & 2 if needed)

Step 4: Development


Ready to help?


